Hi All,
Has it been long? Lol
See what happened was that… well… So April came with a storm of things to do and people to meet and of course the blogging has been sacrificed; a lot.
Laziness too you know. Procrastination: I shall always begin, start, initiate, take the first step, and/or write the first word, when I get around to it.
Any way,
April = 桜 (sakura) They were just everywhere and they are ever so lovely.
The petals having radiated beauty only briefly as a blossom, fall as though snowflakes in the wind. It’s no wonder they are cherished so much and they have been the topic of many haikus or more accurately 季語(kigo) meaning season word and other types of poems.
One of our newest Japanese friends. Tetsuya!

We wanted eagerly to participate in a 花見 (hanami), a Sakura watching picnic.
We went over to our friend’s house, Yuriko. We slept at her house the night before.
Woke up too early to make our picnic food and enjoyed the last of the Sakura while having brunch.
making おにぎり (onigiri) or rice-balls!
Did you meet Andrew? Newest member to our foreign student orchestra. ISEP student from New Orleans!
And well…
As I said before Part I was my mother’s visit and Part II is my revisit to Yokohama. I was invited to stay the night at my friend’s house, Mariko. I was taken to one of her favorite restaurant as well as shown one of her favorite places to view the Yokohama skyline.

Mariko's lovely home =)
I love Yokohama. The architecture is great and it’s a port city so you can smell the sea and be surrounded by water. It is aesthetically peaceful to me.
Lest not forget that other flowers also bloom. And though their significance is greatly overshadow by the Sakura, 椿 (tsubaki) camellia, are also beautiful and possibly my favorite if not one of my favorite flowers.
Well that's all for now.