Hi all,
Here we are, last week of October. Been in Japan officially a month and after everyone complaining that autumn didn’t want to come, it came- Hurray boo-yah in your face gloomy cloudy foggy dreary days galore.
I hate it.
Halloween isn’t as big deal here as it is in America. Kids don’t go trick-or-treating. And the decorations are generally mild.
This week has been pretty low-key in terms of anything happening. The school’s festival is next weekend and everyone is busy. We went out a few times but didn’t have any of our Japanese friends with us.
We went to yakiniku (焼き肉) which is similar to the Korean BBQ restaurants of New York. It was a bit pricey for the quantity of food, but very very delicious.
We went back to the big mall “Sun to Moon” and finally got to explore a little further. We went to the equivalent of a food court. And then went some-what “window shopping”.
too funny!
We found an arcade and that was pretty much all we needed. Talk about finding 4 Mario Kart racing chairs together. You can race *four people at the same time ::glorious:: Sweetest thing about it is that it takes your picture and you can race with your friends whose face is on the characters they play. I played like 3 times!!--So much for my budget.
After which we decided to have desert…
Now I’m all for crapes - which hilariously sounds like “krap” when I hear Damien say it “the correct way =P – But the crapes we had were huge (funny right!!! I mean this is Japan!! They love everything small). It had the most whipped cream you can consume without eating it straight and plain. So we all started drooling over how yummy it was until about ½ way through. Then we started giving up on eating that much whip cream.
We loved it, but we’ll never get them again.
We went to a kaiten sushi (回転鮓) place. Finally! What is there to do in Japan if you don't eat sushi?? lol.
Be proud—I had sushi! I had Tuna salad (of course it was cooked) and I had shrimp (which though I have renounced eating out of saturation, I made an exception) and yes of course it was also cooked. But it was really cool to see the sushi on the conveyor belt go around and around as you select what you want to it.
And shocking!! I tried A fish egg. Weird, salty, I can say I did it and tried it and no I do not like it. Caviar is not for me.

Saw a lunar rainbow for the first time in my life.
"Moonbow: it is usually
22° halo
produced by refraction through hexagonal ice crystals in cirrus cloud. Colored rings close to the moon are a corona, a diffraction phenomenon produced by very small water droplets or ice crystals in clouds. A true Moonbow appears white, and is lit from the Moon itself." They are little rarer.

So we went to the Mishima public library. And yes we got library cards. Nothing special about it though lol. And yes, no matter where you are in the world all libraries look exactly the same! Lol
Our Japanese TA works at the Sushi place so we got 10% discount. So now I’m thinking you can give discounts to your friends when you work at restaurants because it’s the second time we get a discount at a restaurant for knowing someone there.
America, why don’t you allow this??! It’s sooo good.